Bilateral Leg Arteriogram and Abdominal Aortogram (Runoffs)

What is a Bilateral Leg Angiogram/Abdominal Aortogram?

This procedure threads a long, thin tube called a catheter into the femoral artery in order to find areas where blood vessels are narrowing or closing in the legs. A contrast dye is injected in various areas and x-rays taken in order to find these blocked locations. This procedure can also be used to detect the presence of an abdominal aneurysm, which is a bulge or swelling of the main blood vessel that runs from the heart down through the chest and tummy.

Why am I getting a Bilateral Leg Angiogram/Abdominal Aortogram?

This procedure is used to determine what may be causing your symptom(s), such as leg pain while walking. You may also be undergoing this procedure due to a failed ankle brachial index (ABI) test, which is a test that compares blood pressures between the upper and lower limbs.

Where is the insertion site?

The insertion site for the catheter will be the femoral artery in the thigh. For severe blockages, a second catheter may be inserted through the foot.
